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Getting to the Root of Your Root Canal

Not so long ago, when a patient heard the word “cancer”, they immediately thought it would be an inevitable death sentence for them. Fortunately, there has been a tremendous amount of research that has been done in the past 20 years, that is exposing potential causes of cancer such as

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Is there a link between poor oral health and cancer?

Not so long ago, when a patient heard the word “cancer”, they immediately thought it would be an inevitable death sentence for them. Fortunately, there has been a tremendous amount of research that has been done in the past 20 years, that is exposing potential causes of cancer such as

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How Often Should You Get Tested for Dental Biocompatibility?

Biocompatibility testing is an indirect measurement of the reaction between serum proteins and the composition of various dental restorative materials. Dental restorative materials, just like prescription drugs, can have certain side effects or adverse reactions. Some of these reactions are of medical significance, and some are not. One of the

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