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Teeth with Fillings

What is Mercury Free Dentistry?

Mercury-free dentistry is a growing trend in the dental industry that focuses on the elimination of mercury-containing fillings and other materials. For decades, dental fillings were made up of a combination of mercury, silver, zinc, copper, and tin, and have been linked to health issues such as neurological problems, immune

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Heart Health Starts in Your Mouth

Everyone knows that going for an annual checkup is good for your health. These checkups can provide you with information and discover potential health problems before they can develop into something serious. What has been the most overlooked area as to where many of these health problems actually start, is

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Is it Wise to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Your third molars are commonly known as “wisdom teeth” and they generally erupt between the ages of 17 and 23. One of the most common practices amongst dentists is to remove wisdom teeth as soon as they start to come out, whether they are hurting the patient or not. In

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Getting to the Root of Your Root Canal

Not so long ago, when a patient heard the word “cancer”, they immediately thought it would be an inevitable death sentence for them. Fortunately, there has been a tremendous amount of research that has been done in the past 20 years, that is exposing potential causes of cancer such as

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Is there a link between poor oral health and cancer?

Not so long ago, when a patient heard the word “cancer”, they immediately thought it would be an inevitable death sentence for them. Fortunately, there has been a tremendous amount of research that has been done in the past 20 years, that is exposing potential causes of cancer such as

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Is Dental Mercury Messing With Your Head?

Do you or someone you love suffer from brain fog, bipolar disorder, or depression? Have you ever had or do you have “silver” dental fillings? If so, you may be suffering from mercury toxicity. Those so-called “silver” fillings are actually about 50% mercury. Mercury can pass the blood-brain barrier and

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Prop 65 and Dental Mercury: New Warnings

Prop 65 and Dental Mercury: New Warnings “Proposition 65, officially known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, was enacted as a ballot initiative in November 1986. The proposition protects the state’s drinking water sources from being contaminated with chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects

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