Bulk Order Test Kits


DNA ConneXions makes it easy to acquire the collection kits for all of the tests we offer.
We will send kits to your practice by request with no upfront charges, providing we are receiving return samples.
We will charge for testing when the sample is received.

Scroll down to access the order form or simply click HERE.

This page is for practitioners only.
If you are a patient and were were provided with a test kit and need to pay for it and/or return
your sample, please select and pay for your test from our SHOP page. Thank you!

Information On Bulk Kit Ordering


DNA ConneXions offers drop ship services for our established practitioners.

Please email us at info@dnaconnexions.com with patient name, address, phone number, test type, and sampling method requested. 

If you have a payment form on file we will bill for the panel in full when it is ordered/shipped.  If you do not have a payment for on file we will contact the patient for payment in order to ship the kit.

Unless otherwise requested, we will ship the requested kit utilizing our standard shipping, UPS Sure Post (typical delivery is 4-6 business days) at no charge. 

In addition to the testing fee, drop ship requests with expedited shipping and international orders will incur shipping fees payable when the drop ship request is made.

UPS 2 Day: $35.00
UPS Overnight: $50.00
International: $75.00

You can direct your patients to order their test on their own at dnaconnexions.com and the test kits will be delivered to the delivery address specified on the order.  Direct orders placed through the website are paid upfront at the time the order is placed and are non-refundable.

IMPORTANT! Please watch our instructional video describing collection, packaging, and returning your Lyme Disease Test sample.

Please Note: Only our Lyme Disease Test requires a urine sample.

For more information, please email us info@dnaconnexions.com or call 1 (888) 843-5832.  

You can contact our lab by phone:
1 (888) 843-5832
Monday-Friday, 8-5pm

or, by email:


If you experience any issues with the form below.
Please click HERE to complete your order.
Questions? Call 1 (888) 843-5832