Learn about the DNA ConneXions Terms of Services in order to ensure a smooth and transparent purchasing experience.
Terms of Service
By ordering a kit, purchasing a test panel, and/or submitting a sample, you acknowledge and agree to the following Terms of Service:
- DNA ConneXions is not a clinical diagnostic laboratory and cannot provide a diagnosis for disease and/or subsequent treatment. These results are from DNA PCR testing, and indicate the presence of foreign microbial pathogens or discernment of inherent genotypes. A positive result indicates the presence of targeted DNA, while a negative result only indicates the absence of detectable targeted organismal DNA in the submitted specimen. The information is supplied as a courtesy to health care providers to aide in an overall assessment. This information alone should not be used to diagnose and/or treat a health problem or disease. All reported results are intended for research purposes only and consultation with a qualified health care provider is required.
- In order to return valid test results, it’s critical that all preparation, collection and packaging directions are followed exactly as they are provided. Failure to do so may yield inaccurate results and a new test may have to be completed.
- We do not offer medical diagnoses or provide diagnostic codes for insurance purposes.
- DNA ConneXions does not participate with any insurance providers or accept insurance remittance. Suggested CPT Laboratory codes for each panel are provided on every paid invoice.
- We do not service New York state.
- If you are requesting expedited shipping (2-Day for $35.00 or Overnight for $50.00), this only applies to business weekdays as we do not ship during the weekend. For example, if you place an order for overnight shipping on a Friday it will not be delivered until Monday.
- If you are purchasing a Combo test, both samples must be purchased and returned together. Failure to do so may result in additional costs.
- Only one eligible coupon may be used at the time of purchase. The use of combined coupons is not permitted. We will not retroactively apply discounts.
- We are unable to issue a refund on purchased tests.
- Please consult a physician with your results for a treatment plan personally suited for your needs.
- If necessary, the cost of a replacement test kit is $75. If you have questions about specimen collection on any of our tests, please visit our FAQ page, or contact us directly: (888) 843-5832 or info@dnaconnexions.com.
Thank you!
Version: 01292025